Go Harvest Foundation is a non-government organization that  building Bridges of Hope. Our NGO is dedicated to fostering positive change and empowerment for both Burmese refugees and local communities. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to bridge divides, promote understanding, and uplift the lives of those in need. Together, we can build a brighter future for all. Our NGO recognizes the unique challenges faced by Burmese refugees seeking safety and refuge. Education plays a pivotal role in empowering both Burmese refugees and local community families. We offer language classes, vocational training, and educational opportunities, equipping individuals with skills that enhance their employability and promote self-sufficiency. By investing in education, we provide a pathway toward a brighter future for individuals from all backgrounds. Sustainable development is at the core of our efforts. We collaborate with local communities to implement projects that address their specific needs. This may involve initiatives in agriculture, entrepreneurship, or environmental conservation, empowering individuals to become agents of change within their own communities. Our NGO is committed to empowering Burmese refugees and local community families, recognizing their resilience, strength, and potential. By providing comprehensive support, and education, and fostering community integration, we aim to create lasting positive change. Together, we can build bridges of hope, foster understanding, and pave the way for a brighter future for all individuals, regardless of their background. Through our collective efforts, we strive for a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential.



 Go Harvest Foundation Delhi had heart for the people who need help in the community and we help with what we can for now.


Teaching basic computer skills to youth equips them with essential tools for the digital age. It enhances their educational opportunities, improves job prospects, and fosters digital literacy. Empowering youth with computer knowledge opens doors to a world of possibilities and prepares them for success in the modern workforce.


We are teaching English to the Burmese refugees empowers them to overcome language barriers, integrate into new communities, access education, and secure employment. It fosters independence, communication, and a brighter future.


Our vocational school teaching staff notation, guitar, and piano to youth is a comprehensive approach to music education. It equips them with essential skills, from understanding sheet music to playing multiple instruments. By offering this diverse training, we empower youth to explore different musical genres and unleash their full creative potential.


Our sewing school provides community women with a space for skill-building, creativity, and empowerment. It equips them with practical knowledge to mend, create, and generate income. We inspire confidence, self-reliance, and a sense of community by fostering a supportive environment. Sewing becomes a tool for personal growth and economic empowerment.


Our convenience store offers a sustainable income source for our organization, providing essential products and services while supporting our programs. Ethical product choices, community engagement, and local employment contribute to long-term financial stability and mission impact.